Tuesday, December 16, 2014


It is official. Really official, seeing how we have internet in our new place... We have moved to Gabrovo, Bulgaria.

For those of you not from Bulgaria:

Gabrovo is a long (23km), thin city in the middle of Bulgaria, in the Stara Planina. It clocks in with a population just shy of 60,000, which makes it a bit larger than the city I went to high school in, but a bit smaller if you combine it with its neighboring valley. It has a river that runs through its center, and it is quirky. It has a museum of humor, mostly poking fun at the historical precedence of people from Gabrovo being overly frugal.

Gabrovo is surrounded by mountains. I walked to the store today and I looked up at the hills all around me and I felt completely protected. Downright snuggled. The mountains provide road cycling, mountain biking, hiking, camping, and skiing, all pretty much right outside our front door.

Well, actually, the bus station is right outside our front door, and there are regular buses to take us further out and away into the fresh mountain air.

The city is about half an hour car ride from the geographic center of Bulgaria, Uzana, where Nikola and I apparently met the first time (neither of us remembers it) and where we were married.

We haven't even been here a week, but I am starry eyed about this place. Optimistic. It feels like the perfect size for me. Of course, I am also hesitant. I get the one year itch that all military people get. I guess it doesn't matter if I wasn't in the military, moving around with my father got me on the schedule and now I find I have a need to search and discover and unlock new places. Relocate. Relocate. Start looking one year in, and after two I am on my way again. I hope, for Nikola and Peatuk's sake, that I can settle down and be satisfied in Gabrovo.

Our apartment here is definitely small. It is one bedroom, a living room, and a kitchen. I adore it. Nikola likes it, but he likes more modern apartments and more space. I am hoping that once he rents an office and can expand a bit more, he will feel satisfied as well.

It is strange. Our bedroom is medium sized. It isn't particularly large, but not one of those tiny boxes. However, I realized that I would have no clue what I would do with all of the extra space if Peatuk's crib and dresser were not in there. I suppose I would have a desk in there, or maybe a craft corner. What do people who don't have a baby in their room do with all of the extra space? Eventually, Peatuk will move out into the living room. Maybe. Or we will keep him in the bedroom until we move into a bigger apartment or a house. I like having the family sleeping room, except it is a bit rough on the intimate life.

Our kitchen is super green, which matches my dishes and furniture perfectly. Yay! for that. Our living room will take some work. I am not really sure what to do with a living room. Most people put a television in it. We have one. I am not sure that I want to encourage lots of tv though. So, I am guessing it is going to end up more like a reading and play room... oh well. There is nothing but time to figure it out.

Until then, I can only say... I am home!!! 

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